Washington, DC — Today, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced its Record of Decision for the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project. Turn Forward commends the leadership and collaboration of local, state, and federal stakeholders that culminated in the first commercial offshore wind project for the southeastern U.S.

“With today’s approval of the fifth — and largest — offshore wind project in the U.S, the Biden administration has now fully permitted projects that will deliver more than five gigawatts of offshore wind energy to 1.75 million homes up and down the East Coast,” said Stephanie McClellan, Executive Director of Turn Forward. “The Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project will be a boon for Virginia residents and workers by creating strong economic opportunities for workers and more than one thousand good-paying jobs, including many that do not require a four-year degree. With this project’s capacity to power 900,000 homes, offshore wind will increase Virginia’s grid reliability and help stabilize utility prices for consumers as a domestically produced, readily available power source. The Biden administration’s continued momentum is helping usher in a new era of sustainable, carbon-free future for America.”

With construction anticipated to begin next year, CVOW will produce 2.6 GW of clean energy to power 900,000 homes. This project will generate 1,100 jobs throughout its operations and 900 over the course of construction. By harnessing clean and dependable offshore wind energy, this project will curtail carbon emissions by five million tons annually, leading to healthier communities and a more sustainable environment.

With CVOW’s approval, the Biden Administration and bipartisan leaders in Virginia have opened the door for communities to realize the transformational benefits of offshore wind energy. Located off the coast of Virginia Beach, this project will improve air quality for local communities, boost Virginia’s economy, and help the U.S. reach its clean energy goals.

Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity and environmental challenges. For media inquiries, please reach out to avery@turnforward.org