Washington, DC — Turn Forward today announced the expansion of their offshore wind advocacy capabilities and capacity with the hire of Catherine Bowes and Sara Bentoumia Parkison. Launched late last year, Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity and environmental challenges. The new team members will help initiate the group’s top policy priorities in the coming year.

A long-time champion of offshore wind, Bowes takes on the role of Senior Director of Strategy and Advocacy. As founder and former Offshore Wind Energy Program Director at the National Wildlife Federation, she spent 11 years mobilizing support for responsibly developed offshore wind power as a critical climate solution. She spearheaded early efforts to advance offshore wind development on the U.S. east coast. Bowes was instrumental in building the New York Offshore Wind Alliance and the Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative for Offshore Wind Energy. She holds an M.A. in Environmental Policy.

“As someone whose entire career is devoted to addressing climate, energy and marine conservation challenges, I could not be more excited to contribute to Turn Forward’s important work,” said Bowes. “Growing up in coastal Massachusetts, I gained a deep appreciation for the ocean at an early age. Generating renewable energy from offshore wind is a critical climate solution, but it must be done with respect for the people and the environment that stand to be impacted. Turn Forward will work to make sure we get that balance right.”

Parkison is Turn Forward’s Policy and Research Manager. Her work focuses on designing policy solutions to effectively and equitably combat climate change through offshore wind power. Before joining Turn Forward, Parkison was a Sea Grant Knauss Fellow in the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, working with community-based organizations, state partners, developers and other federal agencies to collaboratively create equity initiatives for offshore wind decision-making. She also has expertise assessing offshore wind supply chain needs stemming from work at the University of Delaware’s Center for Research in Wind. She is currently completing a Ph.D in Marine Policy.

“The emergence of Turn Forward is a recognition that we have no more time to waste to address today’s climate crisis,” said Parkison. “The energy transition must be undertaken immediately and carried out with social justice at its core. Turn Forward was built around an understanding that significantly ramping up offshore wind capacity in the U.S. will only happen if it lifts up workers and communities — and safeguards our marine environment — in doing so.”

“We are thrilled to be able to draw on the talent, experience and expertise that Catherine and Sara bring to Turn Forward,” said Executive Director Stephanie McClellan. “Offshore wind in the U.S. will only reach its true potential from a climate, economic, environmental and equity perspective through smart policy choices and tireless advocacy. Turn Forward is dedicated to making that happen. The passion and perspective that Catherine and Sara bring to their work will help our efforts succeed.”

Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity and environmental challenges. For media inquiries, please reach out to avery@turnforward.org