Washington, D.C. — Today, Turn Forward, an offshore wind nonprofit advocacy organization, is kicking off a campaign to draw attention to the biggest moment for offshore wind in U.S. history and the transformational power of offshore wind energy for workers and communities. This summer, exciting new offshore wind projects like Massachusetts’ Vineyard Wind and New York’s South Fork Wind began construction, creating hundreds of good-paying jobs and boosting local economies. With these new projects, the offshore wind industry will grow from powering 17,000 homes and businesses to an estimated 470,000.

To promote the offshore wind benefits coming to life in southern New England and New York, Turn Forward and Climate Jobs National Resource Center partnered to launch a six-figure paid media campaign with videos featuring union workers talking about the transformational effect the offshore wind industry has had on their own lives and communities. Americans will see how workers and families are at the heart of this innovative industry that is creating jobs and growing economies from coast-to-coast and across the heartland. You can find more about the campaign at WindWorkers.org.

“Through this campaign, Americans will hear firsthand from workers about the power of offshore wind and what that means for their families and their communities,” said Turn Forward Executive Director Stephanie McClellan. “This summer’s construction will bring clean, secure, domestic-produced electricity to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses by the end of this year. Workers in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, and beyond are powering this historical moment for offshore wind in the U.S. and it’s just the beginning.”

“We are at an important time for offshore wind. New projects are starting all over the country. The responsible development of offshore wind can create tens of thousands of good union jobs with family supporting wages and good benefits. It can also drive domestic manufacturing and a robust port and maritime infrastructure while reducing economic inequality and reducing the racial wealth gap. The science demands that we continue to scale up the responsible development of clean, green and renewable energy.” said Vincent Alvarez, President of the New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO and Director of Climate Jobs NY.

“Offshore wind is going to be a game-changer for our communities and climate. Rhode Island was the first state in the country to build an offshore wind farm, Block Island. We saw firsthand how this work can bring good union jobs, reliable energy, and renewed local economies — and it’s only just begun,” said Patrick Crowley, Secretary-Treasurer of the Rhode Island AFL-CIO and Co-Chair of Climate Jobs Rhode Island.

Turn Forward and Climate Jobs National Resource Center are working together, in partnership with other diverse stakeholders and advocates, to ensure offshore wind creates good-paying jobs with strong labor standards, drives equitable economic growth in as many U.S. communities as possible, and protects marine life and coastal resources. This summer’s milestones are a critical step toward generating 30 gigawatts of energy from offshore wind by 2030, and putting us on a path to 100+ gigawatts.

Within the next decade, offshore wind will create more than 77,000 good paying jobs and lead to tens of millions of dollars in investments in local economies — all while reducing pollution and preserving our natural resources for future generations. As a domestically produced, reliable clean energy source, offshore wind will help stabilize energy prices for families and promote the energy independence of the U.S.

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Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity, and environmental challenges. Learn more at turnforward.org.

Climate Jobs National Resource Center is a national labor-led organization advancing a pro-worker, pro-climate agenda to create union jobs, tackle the climate crisis, and advance equity. Learn more at: cjnrc.org.

For media inquiries, please reach out to avery@turnforward.org.