Washington, D.C. — This week, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced its Record of Decision for the Ocean Wind 1 offshore wind project, which will be the first built off the coast of New Jersey and the biggest U.S. offshore wind project to date. Turn Forward celebrated this critical achievement for U.S. offshore wind energy and praised the leaders who have championed offshore wind energy and worked to maximize its benefits for New Jersey and America.

“This is a watershed moment for U.S. offshore wind energy. Just weeks after project construction began off the coasts of Massachusetts and New York, the Biden-Harris administration has greenlit New Jersey’s first offshore wind project, and America’s largest to date. Ocean Wind 1 will create thousands of good-paying jobs, and power hundreds of thousands of New Jersey homes and businesses with clean, secure, reliable energy,” said Stephanie McClellan, Executive Director of Turn Forward. “We celebrate the Biden-Harris administration and Governor Phil Murphy’s leadership that led to this historic achievement. Americans are relying on our leaders in Washington to keep driving policies and investments that support transformational offshore wind energy projects that protect and benefit people and wildlife, and Ocean Wind 1’s approval is a significant step forward.”

Once constructed, Ocean Wind 1 will power more than 380,000 New Jersey households, and is expected to create more than 3,000 good-paying jobs. This project will also help New Jersey meet its 100% clean energy goal, reduce climate pollution, and protect our air, water, and wildlife. Years of planning, collaboration, and leadership by federal, state, and local policymakers are making Ocean Wind 1 possible and putting the project on a path to maximize its economic, security, and climate benefits.

Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity, and environmental challenges. For media inquiries, please reach out to avery@turnforward.org