Turn Forward Executive Director Stephanie McClellan released the following statement regarding today’s appointment of Elizabeth (Liz) Klein to replace Amanda Lefton as Director of the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM):

“Turn Forward welcomes the news of Elizabeth Klein’s appointment as the next Director of BOEM at a critically important time for the development of offshore wind in the United States. Under current BOEM Director Amanda Lefton’s leadership, the agency has advanced the Biden Administration’s offshore wind ambitions with new project approvals, lease offerings and plans to put new Wind Energy Areas into circulation in the near future.

Liz Klein brings strong environmental and government credentials to an important position at a pivotal moment in time. As offshore wind seeks to gain traction in a challenging environment, the experienced leadership she brings to BOEM is welcome. We look forward to working with Ms. Klein as the Administration boosts renewable energy production from offshore wind while taking care to ensure that the buildout of offshore wind equitably benefits American workers and communities, and our marine and coastal resources are carefully safeguarded.”

Turn Forward is an independent, non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to advancing an ambitious vision for American offshore wind power that meets today’s climate, economic, equity and environmental challenges. For media inquiries, please reach out to avery@turnforward.org